: skip to main skip to sidebar 3 Geeks and a Law Blog A law blog addressing the foci of 3 intrepid law geeks , specializing in their respective fields of knowledge management , internet marketing and library sciences , melding together to form the Dynamic . Trio Pages Home About the 3 Geeks News Events 1 18 12 Do You Know What SOPA Means For You You might want to find out . Posted by Toby Brown at 6:43 AM Labels : SOPA 2 comments : Ryan McClead said . Dear Sirs and , Madame As the sole copyright owner for Black Field , 640p x 640p” linked in the post above I am writing to inform you that I have begun formal proceedings to remove your copyright infringing site from the . internets January 18, 2012 9:20 AM Ayelette Robinson said . Q A about SOPA , http : bit.ly yywOcT January 18, 2012 10:51